HR Department
Sustainable development
About sustainable developmentMethodologies and research
ACRA servicesRating servicesServices for assigning and maintaining credit ratings and credit rating forecastsAssessment of green and social bonds and loansVerification of bonds and loans for compliance with green and social principlesProvision of data about credit ratingsUploading structured data on ACRA’s credit ratings for convenient automated processingAMC reliability ratingsServices for assigning and maintaining reliability ratings of asset management companiesTraining sessionsACRA’s training sessions on credit analysis, ESG and other current topics.ESG assessmentsServices for assigning and maintaining ESG assessments of companies and regionsResearch and forecastsPreparation of analytical industry and macroeconomic studies and forecastsACRA Risk-Management servicesCreation of SPV infrastructureCreation of an independent SPV ownership structure and participation in the organization of transactionsCorporate ESG consultingFull set of corporate ESG transformation strategy servicesDevelopment of models and methodologiesDevelopment of PD, LGD, and EAD models, scoring and predictive macroregression modelsSupport for SPV activitiesCarrying out the functions of a management company, accounting, reporting and information disclosureModel validationValidation of IRB, IFRS9, stress testing and other models used for risk assessmentACRA-LENS credit scoringComprehensive solution for assessing the credit risk of non-financial companiesConferencesConferences organized by ACRA Group
- Research
- Training
- Events
- Regulatory issues
- About
- Scoring ACRA-LENS
About sustainable developmentMethodologies and research
ACRA services